The Little Lame Prince

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English writers has set herself no easy task in the making of this little book, and has achieved her end with a skill, of which it is enough to say that it is worthy of her mind and pen. Wonder tales are not primers or sermons; and the fairy story, pure and simple, need own no graver aim than to give a happy hour to the young readers who love and crave this kind of literature. Stories of this class which admit a higher purpose are, if successful, usually the work of a master hand. The English author, Mrs. Craik, among those who love her still called by her maiden name, Miss Mulock, has, in especial degree, the gift of telling a strong story with a beautiful purpose, or a beautiful story with a strong purpose, whichever way we choose to put it. Now that her fine hand is folded, who writes any more such simple, but exquisitely modelled and ennobling tales as Two Marriages or Mistress and Maid? John Halifax Gentleman, one of the best novels of the English language, has become a classic, and, we may venture to say, will remain one as long as the language lasts. Thousands of this authors older readers will read any childs book that bears her name, because she wrote it. The Little Lame Prince is a story which means more than it says, and puts the childs mind at attention lest the meaning miss him. Little Prince Dolor, like the offspring of heaven and earth in Charles Lamb sethereal fancy, goeth lame and lovely. A sad fate befalls him ;a wonderful releases him jhe suffers and enjoys more than other children do, or can.(Typographical errors above are due to OCR software and don't occur in the book.)About the Publisher Forgotten Books is a publisher of historical writings, such as: Philosophy, Classics, Science, Religion, History, Folklore and Mythology.Forgotten Books' Classic Reprint Series utilizes the latest technology to regenerate facsimiles of historically important writings. Care - from Amzon 
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